I feel the need to clarify what atheism is and why I am an
atheist. It is not to eat your babies or sacrifice kittens on your kitchen
counter. I simply am not religious because my personal belief system cannot
reconcile belief in a higher being, because most things can be explained one
way or another. I feel that while there are piles of videos and blogs out there trying to make the point I'm about to try to make, they usually devolve into babyish confrontation and dismissal of Christianity in its entirety as some kind of ridiculous cult, which is not the case.
Now, before you rip my head off and poop in my eyeballs and give me pink eye,
I will say that it isn't that I don't believe in anything. I believe in
science, logic and reason. Not to say that logic and reason can't
apply to other belief systems, because they can. But at some point, religion
asks you to stop questioning it.
I am simply not okay with that. Life is too complex to be
governed by a single set of rules.
I question things. I ask stupid questions sometimes because
I want to know everything. I want to experience things that religions tell me
not to so that I can know why I'm not supposed to experience them.
I'm not saying that someone is weak or inferior for being a
religious person. Life is difficult. Life is alternately the most beautiful and
the most vile thing ever known to man. You have to believe in something. That's
a basic human truth.
I believe in science, because even though I don't understand
so many things in life, no one tells me to stop trying to understand it and
trust that everything will be okay. No one tells me not to try to understand
this world and all of the amazing things in it and accept one single,
unchanging explanation: that it was all created a long time ago by a being
higher than myself. That is merely one of many
explanations, none of which will ever be proven. Sometimes, faith is all
you need. There are other times when you also have to consider your options
when nothing you know seems to fit.
The biggest argument people have for me as to why I ought
not to trust science is that it always changes. It contradicts itself from
decade to decade. Who would trust that?
Change is the driving force of this life, and change is
frightening. Change takes one from point A to point B, but sometimes religion
tells one to stop asking what point we're at, or it still behaves as though one
is at Point A when Point B is clearly where one is. Science changes in response
to evidence being discovered. Science is sometimes a series of educated
guesses, which are then adjusted as evidence comes to light. This is the most
beautiful thing about being an atheist. I am free to change as new evidence
comes to light.
Religion does not change the way it works because society
changes. Religion stays the same and denies change. Religion has a vague way
sometimes of even suggesting that people who present new evidence are bad
people for questioning anything.
Perhaps it's not supposed to be that way. Maybe it's just
the people who have hijacked organized religion that have made it so rigid and
unchanging and opposed to change. After all, change means rewriting the text.
Rewriting the text means that the old text was wrong. In religion, this is not
Christianity, for example, is actually a very beautiful
collection of beliefs about loving one another and suspending judgement for
others. Because the Bible was written and rewritten by different people through
the ages, it evolved like a game of telephone, and at some point, the book of
Leviticus became a tool to hate people. It's odd, though, that only certain
parts of it are still considered relevant. My father is a pastor, and I have
read the bible. All of it. Especially that book. It says a lot of things are
wrong, and if we were to consider it all to be relevant, most of us would have
been stoned to death. I'm not kidding. You should read it before you quote it.
Yes, it says being gay is wrong, but it says a LOT of things. I would love to
see a translation of the original texts so I could see what was added by
monarchs in the middle ages and so on. We are living in a time that is not
compatible with the Leviticus as it is written, but religion does not change.
It does not evolve.
I have several Christian friends, and they are actually
lovely people. I feel bad that so many crazy people have hijacked their belief
system and used it to do so many terrible things to innocent people. I feel bad
that terrible people have translated their text as a get-out-of-jail-free card
for people to make each other feel bad for being gay or loving people outside
of their own race. I feel bad that people have distorted the true meaning of
Christianity and, indeed, the words of Jesus to such a degree that he has
become the biggest emblem for greed and hatred in a country fueled by greed and
hatred. I am sorry that Christianity was taken in such violent and brutally
wrong directions as the Spanish Inquisition. I am sorry that it was used as an
excuse to drive people to suicide by misinterpretation of “love the sinner,
hate the sin” as “hate the sin and constantly tell the sinner they’re going to
hell unless they conform to a system that hates them.”
However, it should be noted that atheists are just as guilty
as anyone else of being terrible people. This world is full of assholes that go
around trying to disprove the beliefs of others because they are so filled with
hate that they can’t contain it. Why is this how we’re perceived? Because it’s
the most visible people in atheism doing it. You have to understand a
philosophical argument to disprove anything like Christianity. You also have to
understand it to prove it. You can’t prove it wrong by saying that a unicorn
exists because you say it does. We don’t know unicorns don’t exist in another
reality. Modern philosophy is full of golden tickets for things like that. You
cannot simply slam the door of your mind shut every time someone says something
you don’t agree with. You also can’t prove it’s true simply by pointing at a
very vague, easily mistranslated religious text that has been written and
rewritten so many times it sometimes defies understanding. The bible is no
further proof of its contents than an owner’s manual is proof that a product
exists. The product may never have exist in the first place. However, is there
proof? Probably not. There may never be. It’s up to the individual to decide if
a lack of proof is more tolerable with or without the idea of a master creator.
Now, it is inevitable that someone will rage comment this. I
get that. I’m not expecting to write something like this and not be questioned.
All I ask is that if we must discuss it further, I ask that we both be open to
learning something and going out of our respective comfort zones. I shall not
respond to openly hostile comments. This is a serious topic, and I expect
serious conversation.
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